SAC Old Students' Association
Annual General Meeting - 2004
The SACCAN held its Annual General Meeting on the 11th of January 2004, at Embers Banquet Hall located at 781 Warden Ave.East in Scarborough, Ontario, Canada. The meeting started at 7:00 p.m. where around 40 old students attended.
Mr.Nesan Gnanapragasam submitted the Minutes of the previous AGM in 2002. Mr.Eugene Dominic then submitted the Accounts Report for both 2002 & 2003.
The President explained the attendees about various projects carried out or partly carried out so far by the committee and requested the incoming committee to carry forward such undertakings.
The Guest Speaker, Mr.Victor Thiruchelvam, the President of the Centre for Performing Arts in Canada, spoke regarding our Rector's excellent Rectorship and ongoing activities. He also advised the attendees to elect an effective committee to help the Alma Mater.
The Rector then explained the current status of St.Anthony's College and her achievements and aspirations. The membership then voted in electing a new committee. The following is the new committee:

Anton Marianayagam
Rajkumar Leenus

Reginald Mariathas
Eugene Dominic
Walters Anthonipillai
To be elected.
President then thanked the members for the trust and confidence placed in electing him to serve as president. The Rector requested the new committee to meet him the following Tuesday to discuss the agenda and to take group photo.
The concluding prayer was recited by the Rector.
Deo Confidimus !