(Please note that this Constitution was not viewed, verified or approved by
the Executive Committee or the General Body yet. This is only a sample edition.)
Name and Address
1. The name of Association shall be "St.Antony's College OSA" (hereinafter referred to as "the Association").
2. The registered office of the Association shall be in Ontario, Canada at a place to be determined by the Executive
Committee from time to time.
Aims and Objects
3. The Association shall function as a non-profit making voluntary organization with the welfare of the students and the
old students of St.Antony's College at Kayts as its primary aim.
4. The objects of the Association shall be:
To foster welfare, mutual relationships, common understanding, and cordiality, and to work towards closer
co-operation and unity amongst the members.
To provide support and assistance by way of information, research and finance to raise the standard of living of the
past and present pupil of SAC, Kayts.
To draw up plans for improvements in the fields of education, agriculture, business and sport and to implement same by
providing appropriate assistance necessary.
To assist in providing sustainable solutions to improve the educational standards for the present pupil of SAC, Kayts.
To facilitate and enable skills development among the pupil of SAC.
To provide help and assistance to those who have been displaced as a result of civil war, from SAC.
To help by way of annual scholarships.
To organize cultural programmes with a view to enhancing the competence of young artistes from SACCAN.
To help financially in publishing the works of writers and poets from past and present pupil of SAC.
To engage in activities and undertake any measures as are appropriate to achieve the aforementioned aims
and objects.
5. Membership
All members shall subscribe to the aims and objects of the Association as specified in the constitution and
no membership fee shall be charged.
Subject to the approval of the Executive Committee, membership is open to all that hail from SAC and their
family members. Anyone married to a person from SAC, can also apply for membership.
6. General Meetings and elections
The annual general meeting (AGM) shall be held once every year at such place and on such date as the Executive
Committee may decide. All members are entitled to attend the AGM but only those people who have completed and
signed the membership application form prior to the date of the AGM, shall be eligible to vote at the AGM.
A person who wishes to stand for election should represent SAC by virtue of studies or married to one who studied
or by having a parent or grandparent who is from SAC.
A person who wishes to stand for election, which will be held once a year, needs to have filled in and signed the
membership application form and have been a member for at least four weeks (28 days) prior to that election.
7. The Secretary shall give the prescribed written notice and such notice shall include the venue, date, time and the
agenda of the AGM, and the date before which nominations for the Executive Committee and resolutions shall be
8. The business to be transacted at the AGM shall include the following:
Adoption of the minutes of the previous AGM or any special General Meeting.
Receive and adopt the annual report and the audited statement of accounts.
Election of the Executive Committee including office bearers.
Appointment of an auditor.
Any other business of which due notice has been given.
9. Only members entitled to vote shall be eligible for election to the Executive Committee. Nominations shall be in writing
proposed and seconded by one member bearing the signature of the nominee indicating her/his consent for such
nomination and shall be received by the Secretary on or before the prescribed date. Where no nomination is received
as prescribed for any post, such posts shall be filled by election at the AGM.
10. A Special General Meeting (SGM) shall be held:
By a specific decision of the Executive Committee, or at the written request of at least 20 or one half of the total
members whichever is less.
To discuss any specific matter or subject concerning the affairs of Association. Where a request under (b) of this
Article is received, the Executive Committee shall direct the secretary to summon an SGM within 28 days of receipt
of such a request. The secretary shall give the prescribed notice which shall include the venue, date, time, and the
agenda for the SGM.
11. The quorum for any General Meeting shall be 15 or one-third of the total ordinary members whichever less is.
12. Subject to decisions made at any AGM or SGM, the policy, functions and general management of the affairs of
Association shall be vested in the Executive Committee (hereinafter referred to as the 'EC').
13. The EC shall consist of the following:
Vice President
Assistant Secretary
Six Members
14. The EC shall be elected at the AGM and shall hold office until the following AGM. Vacancies in the EC may be filled by
a decision of the EC. The EC may co-opt members provided such co-opted members shall have no voting rights.
15. In the performance of their respective functions, the office-bearers shall act in accordance with the decisions and
directions of the EC.
16. The EC shall meet as often as necessary but not fewer than four times a year and at least once every quarter.
17. The secretary, or in his absence the Assistant Secretary, shall maintain proper minutes of the AGM, SGM and
meetings of the EC.
18. The Treasurer shall maintain and keep proper accounts of the finances including assets, receipts, expenditure,
credits, liabilities and other relevant matters, and shall maintain a register of all members.
19. The President, or in his absence the Vice-President, or in their absence a Chairperson elected for the time being by
the EC shall preside at the AGM, SGM or at meetings of the EC.
20. The quorum for a meeting of the EC shall be five.
21. All monies raised by or collected on behalf of or in the name of the Association shall be applied to further the objects
of the Association and for no other purpose, PROVIDED THAT nothing herein contained shall prevent the payment in
good faith of reasonable and proper remuneration to any member or employee of the Association or the payment in
reimbursement of expenditure incurred on behalf of the Association.
22. The accounts shall be audited at least once a year by the auditor or auditors, and audited annual statement of
accounts shall be presented to the Annual General Meeting for adoption.
23. The monies of the Association shall be deposited in the name of the Association in a bank Or Banks in an account or
accounts as the EC may decide, and such account or accounts shall be operated by the president, secretary,
Treasurer or other persons authorized by the EC, provided the signatures of two shall be required to operate the
accounts, sign cheques and draw upon the funds in the bank or banks.